Statistics for, Month of 2019-11-1 to 2019-11-30


Top 10 of 110 Documents Not Found, Sorted by Access Count

Rank Document Accesses %
1 /wusage/weekly/2015/01/19 579 41.77
2 /weekly/2015/01/19 574 41.41
3 /robots.txt 68 4.91
4 /wp-login.php 32 2.31
5 /wusage/monthly/2017/10/01/referringsites.php 8 0.58
6 /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/LICENSE 6 0.43
7 /wordpress/wp-login.php 3 0.22
8 /Topframe.html 3 0.22
9 /index.php 3 0.22
10 /wwwboard/messages/11144.html 3 0.22